Kaza de heleneinlr - Charente-Maritime (17)
House constructionmaison bleu ocean. . .
200 square meters4 rooms - 3 bathrooms

Après 4 rénovations, enfin notre 1ère construction ! Démolir un existant pour continuer à faire vivre le terrain appartenant à la famille depuis longtemps...

Appart mathieuOpened on 01/10/2021
  1. 0
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  • 360°
1er etageOpened on 09/02/2022
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  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5
  • HD
  • 360°
AFTER...Opened on 10/02/2023
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Rez de chaussee beauregard 2021 copieOpened on 06/07/2021
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Boutique version 2Opened on 17/03/2021
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BoutiqueOpened on 04/03/2021
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DressingOpened on 23/02/2021
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Rez de chaussee beauregard 2021Opened on 04/04/2022
  1. 0
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  6. 5
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PatioOpened on 02/09/2021
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Appart mathieu copieOpened on 03/10/2021
  1. 0
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Plan 3DOpened on 30/09/2021
  • HD
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Plan groix rdcOpened on 12/08/2021
  1. 0
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  5. 4
  • HD
  • 360°
Salon chemineeOpened on 17/03/2021
  1. 0
  2. 1
  • HD
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EtageOpened on 04/09/2021
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  • HD
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Beauregard 1Opened on 17/06/2019
  1. 0
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