Kaza de maya06610 - Alpes-Maritimes (06)
Renovation. . .
156 square meters4 rooms - 4 bathrooms

Maison provençale : renovation energetique, isolation, aménagement terrain et paysager, reprise de second oeuvre et décoration.

Projet Séjour cuisine 2024Opened on 28/03/2024
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  • HD
  • 360°
Projet Sejour cuisine 2023Opened on 30/01/2023
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  • HD
  • 360°
Chambre enfant RDC copieOpened on 06/01/2024
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  6. 5
  • HD
  • 360°
Chambre enfant RDCOpened on 30/12/2023
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  • HD
  • 360°
⁨V_RDJ_projet_2022Opened on 23/10/2023
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  • HD
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Version2Opened on 10/12/2019
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  • HD
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⁨⁨V_RDJ_projet_2022⁩V2 cuisine eteOpened on 14/11/2022
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  • HD
  • 360°
PROJET_SEJOUR_RDC_2022Opened on 12/11/2022
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  • HD
  • 360°
Version1Opened on 21/11/2019
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  • HD
  • 360°
V_avant_projet_2t2Opened on 05/05/2020
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  • HD
  • 360°
V_avant_projet_rdjOpened on 11/06/2021
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  • HD
  • 360°
⁨V_projet_rdj⁩_2022Opened on 05/11/2022
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  • HD
  • 360°
V_transformation_rdjOpened on 29/06/2020
  1. 0
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  • HD
  • 360°
Piscine & extension plageOpened on 21/11/2020
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  • HD
  • 360°
V_avantOpened on 28/06/2019
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V_chiffre modifOpened on 11/06/2019
  1. 0
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  • HD
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V_lot2 piscine petit budgetOpened on 01/04/2019
  • HD
  • 360°
V_ChiffreOpened on 21/03/2019
  1. 0
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  • HD
  • 360°
V_lot2 v2Opened on 26/02/2019
  • HD
  • 360°
Cuisine_deplaceeOpened on 04/02/2019
  • HD
  • 360°

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